
Discover the adaptable ratification process that secures essential structures, minimizing consent violations, balancing interests uniformly, and ensuring effective governance.

Test Your Knowledge

This Webpage and Video Have a Quiz you can take to test your knowledge and understanding of the content. This lesson is part of a larger education series.

Entrenchment and Amendment Conditions

โ€œA Fair Constitution is fully entrenched and not subject to amendment except by that which can MINIMALLY VIOLATE CONSENT, UNIFORMLY BALANCE INTERESTS, and EFFECTIVILY GOVERN.โ€

Approval Requirement for Amending Additional Articles

โ€œAmending additional Articles to The Constitution requires the approval of a Supermajority of Constituent Jurisdictions or a Supermajority of The Legislature if there are no Constituent Jurisdictions.โ€

Protection of Proportional Representation and Supermajority Definition

โ€œThe default voting method cannot be replaced with a voting method that decreases proportionality in representation regarding collective preferences. The definition of a Supermajority cannot be changed to be less than a majority and a majority cannot be less than half (1/2) plus one (1). Unless otherwise amended, A Supermajority is two thirds (2/3).โ€

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This page is still a work in progress, and your input can make all the difference. We invite you to contribute your creativity, skills, or resources to help finalize this page and support other vital projects within the Cosmopolitan Coalition. Together, we can bring these initiatives to life and further our mission of global unity and justice.โ€‹